Helping kids in home-work is becoming a challenge day-by-day. With both parents busy in the office jobs & carrying home the stress ,helping kids in their studies has taken a back-seat.
Tutions from a very young age has become a fashion rather than neccessity. You can find kids as young as 6-7 years going to 2-3 coachng classes?Is it good for next generation?
Helping kids in home work not only helps parents to understand their progress in school, it also can give lot of insights about school,about their friends & about development of the kids in general.Apart from it ,it can be very easily said that it adds to emotional bonding among parents & children .Importance of sitting with kids & taking them through different subjects with day-to-day examples ,importance of a parenet can't be over-emphasized.
But despite all of the above, as a parent ;we all are hard pressed for time.May be a week-end is all what we have.
In west , parents have found an innovative solution for the same. They spend time with the kids ,although little ,but they try to make best out of it. This is what they called spending "Qulaity time" with children.
They use cartoons, animations & vidoes for school subjects.These videos not only help children to get acquainted wwith internet at a very young age ,but they narrow down the key areas to be focused for each subject. Also lot of these contain day-to-day examples ,which help chidren to grasp the subject easily.
These videos help kids in their home-work revision, understanding the subject deeply & easily.Few of the videos ,you can refer to are as following:
Best advantage of these are that children can spend 15-20 minutes a day & they can become masters of the subjects. Also they can see these again & again ,which is not possible for class-room teaching lessons.
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